Online information
As a school we take online safety very seriously. Pupils are encouraged to make use of online tools asnd apps, but are taught from Reception through to Year six how to keep themselves safe when using the internet.
However, the vast majority of children access the internet through social media, online gaming and a multitude of apps more at home than they do at school.
The online world is here to stay and our children need to become experts in its use. However, as adults at home and at school, it is our responsibility to do our best to help keep children safe online.
At school children are expected to keep our Online Safety Rules
We use various resources in school to help teach the children about Online Safety, including resources which can be found on the Thinkuknow website (see link right).
In addition we endeavour to teach children to think critically when reading information online - not everything we see and read online is accurate or true.
Here is a link to the latest Digital Parenting magazine; it contains lots of helpful information for parents.
Click here to access a guide for parents published by the Children's Commissioner - Young people's advice on talking to your child about online sexual harassment.
At home please make use of the following links to get up to date information and advice about how to help keep your child safe online at home.